The 13th P.I.C.K Patras is around the corner!
The 13th Patras International Circuit for Kart race is taking place 18th and 19th of September.
Some of you may ask “What is PICK Patras?”. P.I.C.K is an independent racing event in the Kart category. It was first introduced in 2009 in our hometown Patras in Greece, this is also where the Racedom’s “base of operations” is.
13 years of continuous appearances and is one of the top events for Greece, that has gain thousands of fans all these years. What makes PICK special is the full urban route it takes place, at the center, at the heart of the town of Patras.
When you get there, not only you can watch the race and the different karts but there are also many booths where you can enjoy what they offer, from souvenirs, learning about the new and old technology of karts to a car show with classic cars. PICK Patras is more than just another race, is an entertaining event where people of all ages can enjoy.
Although things might be a bit different with previous years because of the pandemic, we are pretty sure that the experience and the excitement for the race will be the same.
Here is a video of 12th PICK during the pandemic from the official Youtube channel of PICK PATRAS:
And anoher video of the 2015 Pick event: